Ayers Cemetery
Franklin County, Ohio
Jefferson Township
This page is part of
Central Ohio Grave Search
Name | Date of Birth | Year of Birth | Date of Death | Year of Death | Remarks |
Ayers, Austin |
18 Aug |
1829 |
26 Aug |
1830 |
Son of Samuel & Elizabeth Ayers, aged 1y 8d |
Ayers, Eliza |
29 Apr |
1861 |
Wife of Job Ayers, aged 57y 2m 20d |
Ayers, Ezekiel W. |
10 Jan |
1891 |
Aged 60y 1m 17d |
Ayers, George W. |
Jan |
1840 |
Son of Thomas & Mary Ayers, aged 22y |
Ayers, Job |
21 Mar |
1877 |
Aged 77y 7m 23d |
Ayers, John Johnson |
25 Sep |
1841 |
Son of Job & Eliza Ayers, aged 5y 9m 22d |
Ayers, Mary |
12? Apr |
1861 |
Wife of Thomas Ayers aged 88y 1m 24d [Livingston lists date of death 12 Apr; Ohio Genealogical Society lists date of death 02 Apr] |
Ayers, Mary B. |
29 Apr |
1905 |
Wife of E.W. Ayers, aged 74y 8m 14d |
Ayers, Thomas |
26 Dec |
1847 |
Aged 79y 11m 12d |
Browning, Eliza (Elizabeth) Ann |
18? Apr |
1843 |
Daughter of Isaac & Sarah Browning, aged 8m 14d [Livingston lists name Elizabeth Ann, date of death 08 Apr; Ohio Genealogical Society lists name Eliza Ann, date of death 18 Apr] |
Browning, Huldah |
20 Aug |
1840 |
Daughter of Isaac & Sarah Browning, aged 2y 7m 5d |
Carloch, Shadrach B. |
28 Feb |
1848 |
Aged 39y 2m 10d |
Dodd, William S. |
24 Oct |
1838 |
Son of Abijah & Nancy Dodd, aged 1y 6m 24d |
Farber, William |
21 Sep |
1821 |
Aged 32y 4m 17d |
Fisher, Infant Daughter |
04 Mar |
1853 |
Daughter of A.V. & R.S. Fisher, aged 1d |
Fisher, Job Albertis |
05 Jan |
1842 |
Son of Thomas B. & Matilda Fisher, aged 9m 1d |
Forehand, Thomas Charleton |
Mar |
1838 |
Son of _____ & Hannah Forehand, aged 8y 11m 25d |
Freele (Freeze), Daniel |
18 Feb |
1859 |
Aged 75 5m [Livingston lists last name Freele; Ohio Genealogical Society lists last name Freeze] |
Freeman, Elijah |
30 Sep |
1846 |
Son of Elijah & Mary Freeman, aged 21y 7m |
Freeman, Joana |
Aug |
1846 |
Aged 95y |
Hanna, Andrew |
19 Apr |
1840 |
Aged 75y 6m 15d |
Hardin, Hector S. |
07 Aug |
1850 |
Aged 11(4)y 11m 17d [Livingston lists name Hector, aged 4y 11m 17d; Ohio Genealogical Society lists name Hector S., aged 11y 11m 17d] |
Hardin, Mary G. C. |
05 Aug |
1850 |
Aged 12y 6m 8d |
Hardin, William |
05 Aug |
1850 |
Aged 18y 11m 21d |
Hartrum, James B. |
25 Apr |
1849 |
Son of Benjamin & Margaret Hartrum, aged 9m 1d |
Hickol, Mary |
10 Jan |
1843 |
Aged 29y |
Johnson, John |
13 Sep |
1764 |
22 Jun |
1839 |
Aged 74y, 9m, 8d. "He was a ruling Elder in the Presbyterian Church and its liberal patron." [Ohio Genealogical Society lists this stone broken at the 1981 reading, first name illegible, date of birth 13 Sep 1761, date of death 21 Jun ____] |
Johnson, Rebecca Brasted |
19 Dec |
1766 |
16 Jan |
1833 |
"Wife of John Johnson, formerly of Sparty, Sussex County, New Jersey. These lines were inscribed by her affectionate husband. She was the daughter of William and Mary Brasted. Born in Morris Co., New Jersey, Dec. 19, 1766. Married Nov. 4, 1788. Removed with her husband to this place in 1816 and died Jan. 16. 1833. Much lamented by her friends but this loss we trust was to her great gain and could she through this marble address thee O reader she would exclaim 'Prepare to meet thy God' Improve thy golden hours of time for eternity is near with all its dread realities tomorrow may finish up the boon of life and bring thee to thy last account or at most a few more hasty years." |
Kelso, John |
15 Oct |
1848 |
Kelso, Susan E. |
13 Feb |
1849 |
Daughter of D.C. Kelso, aged 1y 3m 19d |
Lalley, Esther Ann |
25 Mar |
1836 |
Daughter of William & Mary L. Lalley, aged 3y 5m 19d |
Mann, Amba |
04 Aug |
1854 |
Aged 75y 5m 20d |
Mann, John |
Oct |
1834 |
Son of Amba & Mary Mann, aged 18y |
Mann, Sidney |
13 Feb |
1846 |
Son of Shuah & Nancy Mann, aged 18y 4m 24d |
Pierce, William T. |
28 Aug |
1840 |
Son of Brinkley & Phebey Pierce, aged 11m 19d |
Squier, Jesse |
30 Apr |
1846 |
Aged 69y 6m 5d |
Squier, John Oscar |
18 Dec |
1849 |
Son of John & Sophia Squier, aged 1y 2m 5d |
Squier, Susan |
09 Aug |
1839 |
Wife of Jesse Squier, aged 65y 22d |
Turney, Infant Daughter |
Daughter of John & Rebecca Turney |
Webb, Elizabeth |
07 Apr |
1847 |
Wife of Elijah Webb, aged 31y 5m 6d |
Whitehead, Amanda |
03 Feb |
1830 |
Consort of Jonathan Whitehead, aged 37y 4m 7d |
Wigfeld, Sarah |
05 Mar |
1848 |
Wife of William Wigfield, aged 57y 1m 15d |
Find A Grave website, Ayers Cemetery, accessed 21 Mar 2013,
(http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=cr&CRid=2215722&CScn=ayers&CScntry=4&CSst=37&CScnty=2064&) [gravestone photos consulted to resolve conflicting source data]
Franklin County Chapter of The Ohio Genealogical Society (comp.), Franklin County, Ohio Cemeteries, Volume 3, Jefferson and Truro Townships, Columbus, August 1981, page 2 (1981 gravestone reading by The Ohio Genealogical Society). This source is cited as Ohio Genealogical Society.
Livingston, Frank A. "Cemetery Records, Ayers Graveyard, The Ohio Genealogical Quarterly, July 1939, pages 162-163. This source is cited as Livingston.
Please send corrections to Lauren Clark