Chenoweth Cemetery
Franklin County, Ohio
Pleasant Township
On the south side of Gay Road,
west of Harrisburg-Georgesville Road
on private property
This document is a project of
Central Ohio Grave Search
Name | Date of Birth | Year of Birth | Date of Death | Year of Death | Remarks |
_____, _____ |
[Ohio Genealogical Society lists aged 26y 6m 1d; Gustafson lists aged 26y 6m 4d] |
__an__, William |
1830 |
Information is from the 1945 gravestone reading, no stone was found at the 1988 Ohio Genealogical Society reading. Ohio Genealogical Society indicates this may be William Manning, Revolutionary War veteran. [He is not listed in the DAR Roster or the Franklin County Recorder Veteran grave search |
Adcock, William |
01 Sep |
1873 |
Aged 31y 3m 19d |
Amspacher, Marie R. |
18 Sep |
1848 |
Daughter of M. & E. Amspacher, aged 22y 9m 12d [Ohio Genealogical Society lists name Marier; Gustafson lists Marie R.] |
Athey, Amanda |
12 Mar |
185_ |
Daughter of J.M. & A.M. Athey, aged 2y 17d |
Athey, John M. |
25 Oct |
1866 |
Aged 54y 5m |
Athey, Malinda |
29 Apr |
1868 |
Wife of J.M. Athey, aged 49y 4m 4d |
Athey, Thomas M. |
28 Feb |
1860 |
Son of J.M. & M. Athey, aged 2y 1m 2d. [This gravestone was not found at the 1988 Ohio Genealogical Society reading, but was found at the 1945 reading & 2006 Gustafson reading] |
B____, L. (Footstone: L.B.) |
Footstone was found piled in a corner of the cemetery at the 1988 Ohio Genealogical Society reading, not readily identified with an existing headstone |
Baird, David |
27 Sep |
1840 |
Aged 26y 11m 21d |
Baker, Joseph |
1765 |
1844 |
US ARMY, Rev War. Franklin County Recorder veteran grave search indicates Revolutionary War Veteran. [Not listed in the DAR Roster] |
Baker, Sam'l. |
CO C 191ST OHIO INF (Civil War) |
Barker, Elizabeth |
18 Dec |
1851 |
Daughter of T.C. & Mary Barker, aged 22m |
Barker, Joseph |
20 Aug |
1850 |
Son of J. & M. Barker, aged 16y 11m 17d |
Barker, Joseph |
21 Jul |
1844 |
Aged 78y 10m 19d |
Barker, Martha |
11 Mar |
1843 |
23 Oct |
1856 |
Daughter of T.C. & M. Barker |
Barthman, Paulina Jane |
06 Aug |
1849 |
Daughter of Valentine & Margaret Barthman, aged 9m 24d. [Information is from the 1945 gravestone reading, no stone was found at the 1988 Ohio Genealogical Society reading] |
Barthman, T. Mengel |
08 Jul |
1853 |
Son of V. & M. Barthman, aged 7m 16d |
Baty, George W. |
10 Apr |
1864 |
Son of ___, aged 1?y 9m 10d |
Baty, Sarah |
05 Mar |
1867 |
Wife of James Baty, aged 27y 5m |
Bulen, Rachel C. |
16 Oct |
1869 |
Wife of James W. Bulen, aged 24y 9m 4d |
Bullen, Alice |
17 Nov |
1794 |
11 Feb |
1867 |
Bullen, Tobias |
01 Jan |
1794 |
09 Nov |
1865 |
Born Cornwall, England. Aged 71y 10m 7d |
C____, C.T. (Footstone: C.T.C.) |
Footstone was found piled in corner of cemetery at the 1988 Ohio Genealogical Society reading, not readily identified with an existing headstone |
C____, J. (Footstone: J.C.) |
Footstone was found piled in corner of cemetery at the 1988 Ohio Genealogical Society reading, not readily identified with an existing headstone |
C____, W. C. (Footstone: C.W.C.) |
Footstone was found piled in corner of cemetery at the 1988 Ohio Genealogical Society reading, not readily identified with an existing headstone |
Chenoweth, Cassander M. |
02 Sep |
1846 |
Daughter of E. & N. Chenoweth, aged 10m 13d |
Chenoweth, Catharine |
13 Oct |
1845 |
Daughter of E. & S. Chenoweth, aged 4m 7d |
Chenoweth, Elijah |
1806? |
1898 |
Civil War veteran [Ohio Genealogical Society lists year of birth 1806; Gustafson lists 1803] |
Chenoweth, Elijah |
05 Dec |
1828 |
Aged 66y 5m 23d. Franklin County Recorder veteran grave search indicates Revolutionary War Veteran. [Not listed in the DAR Roster] |
Chenoweth, Elijah F. |
28 Jun |
1839? |
Son of Elijah & Nancy Chenoweth [Ohio Genealogical Society lists year of death 1839, aged 1y 1m 1d; Gustafson lists year of death 1829, aged 1y 4m 1d] |
Chenoweth, Elijah Jr. |
12 Jan |
1888 |
[Ohio Genealogical Society lists aged 66y 8m 8d; Gustafson lists aged 66y 3m 8d] |
Chenoweth, John |
22 Dec |
1863 |
Son of W.B. & R. Chenoweth, aged 10m 1d |
Chenoweth, Margaret |
22 Dec |
1861 |
Wife of Joseph Chenoweth, aged 65y 4m 15d |
Chenoweth, Mary |
13 Oct |
1841 |
"In memory of" Wife of Elijah Chenoweth Jr. [Ohio Genealogical Society lists aged 17y 9m 28d; Gustafson lists aged 17y 2m 28d] |
Chenoweth, Nancy |
29 Mar |
1874 |
Aged 67y 5m 4d |
Chenoweth, Rachel |
15 Jun |
1843 |
Daughter of E. & N. Chenoweth, aged 2y 7m 1d |
Chenoweth, Rachel |
17 Apr |
1825 |
Aged 56y 8m 6d |
Chenoweth, Rebecca J. |
06 May |
1867 |
Wife of W.B. Chenoweth, aged 33y 7m 6d |
Chenoweth, Thomas |
10 Sep |
1753 |
17 Aug |
1814 |
Franklin County Recorder veteran grave search indicates Revolutionary War Veteran. [Not listed in the DAR Roster. [Information is from the 1945 gravestone reading, no stone was found at the 1988 Ohio Genealogical Society reading] |
Chenoweth, Thomas T. |
23 Dec |
1865 |
Son of E. & S. Chenoweth Jr., aged 4y 6m 25d |
Chenoweth, William M. |
05 Aug |
1867 |
Son of W.B. & R. Chenoweth, aged 3m 3d |
Cochrun, Effe (Effee) |
27 Aug |
1864 |
Wife of S. Cochrun, aged 53y 7m 7d. [Ohio Genealogical Society lists first name Effe; Gustafson lists Effee and Effee A. on a newer/modern stone] |
Cochrun, Simon M. H. (Simon E.) |
02 Jul |
1805 |
10 Apr |
1870 |
Ohio Genealogical Society and Gustafson indicate his name is listed as Simon E. on a newer/modern stone |
Covert, Elizabeth |
15 Mar |
1863 |
Wife of S.H. Covert, aged 60y 8m 2d |
Covert, Ephraem |
(broken) |
Covert, Sam'l. H. |
08 Feb |
1858 |
Aged 42y 7m 27d |
Curry, Elizabeth |
Wife of Owen T. Curry (broken) |
Curry, Joseph |
02 Oct |
1858? |
Son of Owen T. & Elisabeth Curry, aged 4m 26d |
Curry, Sarah Sewell |
27 Mar |
1849 |
Daughter of J. & M. Sewell, wife of A. S. Curry, aged 23y 2m 7d |
Curry, Thomas L. |
12 Nov |
1857 |
Son of Owen T. & Elisabeth Curry, aged 3y 10m 22d |
Dalbey, Joseph A. |
26? Jul |
1867 |
Son of S.V. & Nancy Dalbey, aged 11y 9d. [Ohio Genealogical Society lists date of death 26 Jul; Gustafson lists 28 Jul] |
Dalbey, Josephine |
01 Jun |
1867 |
Daughter of S.V. & Nancy Dalbey, aged 26y 11m 9d |
Dalbey, S. V. |
07 Aug |
1819 |
05 Aug |
1889 |
Aged 69y 11m 28d |
Dayo, Anna |
12 Feb |
1844 |
Wife of Jonas Dayo, aged 69y 1m 13d |
Deyo, Jonas Sr. |
19 Apr |
1845 |
Aged 75y 11m [Gustafson lists this stone twice, once as Jonas and once as James] |
Deyo, Sarah |
17 Apr |
1850 |
Daughter of John & E. Deyo, aged 3y 6m 26d [Ohio Genealogical Society lists aged 3y 6m 26d; Gustafson lists 3y 6m 2d] |
Deyo, Elizabeth |
17 Jul |
1848 |
Wife of John Deyo, aged 45y 5m 8d |
Deyo, William |
01 Dec |
1871 |
Aged 16y 6m 7d |
Dickerson, Samuel |
20 Feb |
1869 |
Son of J.M. & S.F. Dickerson, aged 3m 5d |
Dolbey, Elizabeth |
19 Feb |
1837 |
Daughter of Joseph & Emeline Dolbey, aged 3w [Ohio Genealogical Society lists mother's name Emeline; Gustafson lists Emiline] |
Dolbey, Huldah |
20 Dec |
1848 |
Daughter of Scrivener & Nancy Dolbey, aged 6y. [Information is from the 1945 gravestone reading, no stone was found at the 1988 Ohio Genealogical Society reading] |
Dolbey, Matilda |
22 Dec |
1848 |
Daughter of Scrivener & Nancy Dolbey, aged 2?y 5m 4d |
England, Emma Jane |
16 Aug |
1866 |
Daughter of T. & N. England, aged 1y 9m 2d |
England, Nancy Stothard |
16 Jan |
1866 |
Wife of Titus England, aged 35y 7m |
Ferguson, Martha |
12 Nov |
1850 |
Daughter of James & S. A. Ferguson, aged 6y 4m 28d |
Ferguson, Mary |
10 May |
1848 |
Wife of Thos Ferguson, aged about 90y |
Ferguson, William |
19 Nov |
1868 |
Aged about 70y |
Foster, George |
07 Apr |
1839 |
Aged 24y 12d |
Fullen, Mary J. |
19 Sep |
1858 |
Daughter of J. & E. Fullen, aged 1m 5d |
Hall, Albert |
20 Oct |
186_ |
Son of Wm. & L. Hall (broken) |
Hall, Lavina |
13 Jan |
1852 |
Wife of Wm. Hall, aged 29y 11m 4d |
Hall, Nancy A. |
14 Mar |
1854 |
Daughter of Wm. & L. Hall, aged 5y 4m 21d. [Information is from the 1945 gravestone reading, no stone was found at the 1988 Ohio Genealogical Society reading] |
Hartle, Maria |
13 Mar |
1800 |
07 Dec |
1891 |
Harvey, John C. |
16 Apr |
1875 |
Aged 6?y 5m 2d. Freemasonry emblem |
Harvey, Henry G. |
03 Apr |
1857? |
Son of J. C. & Mary A. Harvey. [Information is from the 1945 gravestone reading, no stone was found at the 1988 Ohio Genealogical Society reading] |
Harvey, McDowell |
22 Jun |
1851 |
Son of J. C. & M. A. Harvey, aged 5y 5m 23d. |
Harvey, Ruth Anner (sic) Jane |
31 Mar |
1850 |
Daughter of J. C. & M. A. Harvey, aged 1m 8d |
Haws, Wm. |
19 Sep |
1845 |
Son of H. & Mary Barbee, aged 7y 4d |
Hayes, Lucretia |
28 Mar |
1838 |
Wife of R. W. Hayes. [Ohio Genealogical Society lists aged 28y 12d; Gustafson lists 23y 12d] |
Hayes, Ricahrd W. |
04 Mar |
1875 |
Aged 68y 2m 14d |
Heath, John E. |
18 Oct |
1855 |
Son of M. & H. Heath, aged 7m 18d |
Heath, Sarah |
14 Feb |
1795 |
16 Mar |
1839 |
Wife of Richard Heath, aged 44y 1m 2d |
Hedges, Sarah M. E. |
28 Jan |
1862? |
Aged 22y 7m 6d [Ohio Genealogical Society lists year of death 1862; Gustafson lists 1861] |
Hennick, John |
10 May |
1861 |
Son of Wm. & A. Hennick, aged 3y 9m 24d |
Hubbard, Jackson |
12 May |
1843 |
[Ohio Genealogical Society lists aged 26y 6m 21d; Gustafson lists 26y 5m 21d] |
Huffman, Emma |
14 Jan |
1861 |
Wife of John Huffman Jr., aged 27y 4m 2d |
Huffman, George R. |
11 Jan |
1859 |
Aged 2 weeks [Ohio Genealogical Society lists son of J. & E. Huffman; Gustafson lists son of J. & M. Huffman] |
Huffman, John |
21 Dec |
1882 |
Aged 88y 9m 9d |
Huffman, Sarah |
10 Jan |
1879 |
Wife of John Huffman, aged 82y 7m 6d |
Ingram, John Wesley |
03 Sep |
1843 |
Son of Harison & Rhoda Jane Ingram, aged 2m 3d |
Ingram, Lucretia |
06 Oct |
1844 |
Daughter of Harison & Rhoda Jane Ingram, aged 3y 11m 15d |
Ingram, William Edward |
11 Oct |
1844 |
Son of Harison & Rhoda Jane Ingram, aged 5y 10m 8d |
J____, M. E. (Footstone: M.E.J.) |
Footstone was found piled in corner of cemetery at the 1988 Ohio Genealogical Society reading, not readily identified with an existing headstone |
Jackson, Joel |
27 Feb |
1870 |
Aged 19y 10m 10d [Ohio Genealogical Society lists son of T. & M. Jackson; Gustafson lists son of T. & M. J. Jackson] |
Jackson, John V. |
26 Dec |
1880 |
Aged 26y 6m |
Jackson, Joseph D. |
27 Sep |
1867 |
Son of T. & M. J. Jackson, aged 22y 7m 10d |
Jackson, Mary E. |
04 Jan |
1876 |
Daughter of T. & M. J. Jackson, aged 20y 4d |
Jackson, Rebecca F. |
11 Oct |
1875 |
Daughter of T. & M. J. Jackson, aged 17y 7d |
Jackson, Thomas |
27 Jan |
1876 |
Aged 58y 7m 27d |
Ketcham, Obeadiah (Obidiah) |
20 Aug |
1846 |
Aged 46y [Ohio Genealogical Society lists first name Obeadiah; Gustafson lists Obidiah] |
Keys, Elizabeth |
29 Jan |
1875 |
Wife of Thos. J. Keys, aged 39y 3m 10d |
Knouff, Anna Marie |
05 Jan |
1874 |
Aged 23y 2m 29d |
Knouff, Hettie |
01 Dec |
1827 |
02 Sep |
1890 |
L____, _.F. (Footstone: _.F.L.) |
Footstone was found piled in corner of cemetery at the 1988 Ohio Genealogical Society reading, not readily identified with an existing headstone |
L____, A. (Footstone: A.L.) |
Footstone was found piled in corner of cemetery at the 1988 Ohio Genealogical Society reading, not readily identified with an existing headstone |
Landes, John B. |
06 Dec |
1873 |
Son of J. A. & S. J. Landes, aged 13y 7m 2d |
Leiter, Infant Son |
04 Dec |
1860 |
Infant son of D. J. & S. Leiter, aged 17d |
Leiter, Susan |
22 Feb |
1868 |
Wife of D.J. Leiter, aged 25y 3d |
Lewis, Susan |
28 Dec |
1866 |
Wife of Thomas Lewis, aged 50y 4m 15d |
Loman, J. Helmick (Helmlich) |
10 Aug |
1861 |
Aged 19y 10m [Ohio Genealogical Society lists name J. Helmick, aged 19y; Gustafson lists J. Helmlich, aged 19y 10m] |
Lowe, Catherine C. |
29 Mar |
1813 |
25 Sep |
1815 |
Lowe, Rebecca P. |
11 Nov |
1816 |
13 Jun |
1823 |
McKinley, David |
16 Jul |
1869 |
Aged 50y 10m 16d |
McKinley, Joseph C. |
15 Sep |
1869 |
Aged 21y 6d |
Morgan, Edward F. |
12 Apr |
1844 |
Son of J. & C. Morgan, aged 12y 4m 2d |
Morgan, James |
20 Mar |
1843 |
Son of Joseph & Rachel Morgan, aged 1d. [Information is from the 1945 gravestone reading, no stone was found at the 1988 Ohio Genealogical Society reading] |
Morgan, Joseph |
29 Jul |
1848 |
Son of Joseph & Rachel Morgan, aged 14d |
Morgan, Newton |
20 Mar |
1843 |
03 Dec |
1845 |
Son of Joseph & Rachel Morgan, aged 2y 8m 14d |
Morgan, Rachael Foster |
19 Jan |
1849 |
Daughter of J. & M. Foster, wife of Joseph Morgan, aged 42y 7m 24d |
Morgan, Sarah Jane |
06 May |
1845 |
26 Aug |
1845 |
Daughter of Joseph & Rachel Morgan, aged 3m 20d |
Morse, James Sr. |
20 Jul |
1839 |
Aged 73y 6m 13d. Franklin County Recorder veteran grave search indicates Revolutionary War Veteran. [Not listed in the DAR Roster] |
O'Day, G. W. |
O'Day, George |
Private, enlisted 06 Feb 1865, discharged 09 Aug 1865 |
P____, N. E. (Footstone: N.E.P.) |
Footstone was found piled in corner of cemetery at the 1988 Ohio Genealogical Society reading, not readily identified with an existing headstone |
Painter, Rebecca |
01 Jun |
1835? |
Daughter of W. & R. Painter, aged 13y 11m |
Painter, Rebecca Harvey |
20 Oct |
1869 |
Wife of Willis Painter, aged 61y 9m 13d. Born near Winchester, Virginia |
Painter, Willis |
25 Nov |
1860 |
Aged 70y 3m 4d |
Passwater, Nancy |
16 Mar |
1835 |
14 Oct |
1886 |
Wife of Marcelus Passwater, aged 51y 6m 28d |
Peters, Charles |
31 May |
1857 |
Son of W. A. & S. J. Peters, aged 1?m 23d |
Peterson, Eva J. |
26 Jun |
1872 |
Aged 1y 2m 27d. [Ohio Genealogical Society lists daughter of M. & M. E. Peterson; Gustafson lists daughter of M. & M. L. Peterson) |
Phillips, Millie |
25 Jul |
1881 |
Wife of Edwin Phillips, aged 25y 1m 10d |
Poulson, Amanda E. |
03 Nov |
1847 |
Daughter of A. & E. Poulson, aged 2y 3m 24d |
Poulson, Cornelius |
26 Dec |
1848 |
Aged 71y 2m 18d |
Poulson, Ellen |
20 Aug |
1853? |
Wife of A. Poulson, aged 41y _m _d. [Ohio Genealogical Society lists year of death 1853; Gustafson lists 1855] |
Poulson, George W. |
11 Mar |
1864? |
Son of W. A. & M. E.?, aged 1m 23d. [Ohio Genealogical Society lists year of death 1864; Gustafson lists 1861] |
Poulson, Joseph M. |
26 Dec |
1857 |
Son of A. & M. Poulson, aged 1m 28d |
S____, A. (Footstone: A.S.) |
Footstone was found piled in a corner of cemetery at the 1988 Ohio Genealogical Society reading, not readily identified with an existing headstone |
S____, A. (Footstone: A.S.) |
Footstone was found piled in a corner of cemetery at the 1988 Ohio Genealogical Society reading, not readily identified with an existing headstone |
Scott, Amelia |
21 Jul |
1851 |
Daughter of W. B. & N. S. Scott, aged 1m 8d |
Scott, Isaac |
14 Aug |
1863 |
Co. A 40 Reg, OVI. Aged 19y 11m 6d |
Scott, James |
07 Jun |
1873 |
Aged 58y 5m 15d |
Scott, Joseph |
15 Aug |
1863 |
Co. B 54 Reg, OVI. Aged 24y 7m 29d |
Scott, Leiter |
14 Jul |
1880 |
Son of Nimrod & Lizzie Scott, aged 4m 4d |
Scott, Lydia |
05 Apr |
1904 |
Wife of James Scott, aged 88y 1m 4d |
Scott, Margaret |
22 Jul |
1871 |
Daughter of James & Lydia Scott, aged 20y 9m 7d |
Scott, Mary Ann |
02 Feb |
1871 |
Daughter of James & Lydia Scott, aged 22y 3m 1d |
Shepherd, Ida May |
14 Jul |
1879 |
Daughter of E. B. & S. A. Shepherd, aged 3y 20d |
Smith, Sarah Ann Cochrun |
1836 |
1888 |
(Mother) |
Snider, Calvin |
09 Oct |
1866 |
Son of J. & J. Snider, aged 8y 6m 23d |
Snider, Rueville |
06 Sep |
1858 |
Son of J. & J. Snider, aged 1y 19d |
Spangler, Charles |
31 Mar |
1874 |
Son of Alexander & Minerva, aged 15y 11m 21d |
Spangler, Elenor Jane |
25 May |
1864 |
Daughter of A. & M. Spangler, aged 17y 7m 2d |
Spangler, Nimrod |
15 Sep |
1851 |
Son of A. & M. Spangler. [Ohio Genealogical Society lists aged 1y 3m 13d; Gustafson lists aged 1y 2m 13d] |
Stahl, Mary Hartle |
1823 |
1903 |
Stothard, Calvin |
01 Sep |
1849 |
Son of Joseph & Nancy Stothard, aged 20y |
Stothard, Joseph |
01 Sep |
1846 |
Aged 58y 6m 15d |
Stothard, Joseph |
30 Oct |
1846 |
Son of J. & N. Stothafd, aged 11y 4m 20d |
Stothard, William |
28 Aug |
1849 |
Son of Joseph & Nancy Stothard, aged 22y 8m 1d |
Strubelt, Christina |
10 Mar |
1856 |
Wife of John Strubelt, aged 59y 1d |
Strubelt, John |
27 Apr |
1863 |
Aged 62?y 11m 6d |
Stumpf, William |
__ ___ |
18__ |
Aged 63y 5m 10d |
Stumpff, Eliza A. |
02 Sep |
1842 |
Daughter of Wm. & Susanna Stumpff, (illegible). [Information is from the 1945 gravestone reading, no stone was found at the 1988 Ohio Genealogical Society reading] |
Stumpff, Joseph S. |
01 Sep |
1868 |
Son of A. & M. A. Stumpff, aged 2y 2m 4d |
Stumpff, Margaret |
31 Nov |
1841 |
Wife of Peter Stumpff, aged 54y. [Information is from the 1945 gravestone reading, no stone was found at the 1988 Ohio Genealogical Society reading] |
Stumpff, Susana |
02 Nov |
1839 |
Wife of W. M. Stumpff, aged 40y 2m 14d. [Information is from the 1945 gravestone reading, no stone was found at the 1988 Ohio Genealogical Society reading] |
Sweitzer, Elizabeth |
20 Nov |
1871 |
Wife of George Sweitzer, aged 40y 3m |
Swysgood, Maosa |
29 Jul |
1877 |
Daughter of S. & M. E. Swysgood, aged 4y 11m 12d |
Swysgood, Rosann |
20 Jun |
1856 |
Daughter of S. & S. C. Swysgood, aged 3y 4m 14d |
Swysgood, Serepta C. |
03 Feb |
1856 |
Wife of S. Swysgood, aged 21y 11m 21d |
Tipton, Elizabeth |
05 Feb |
1864 |
(Mother) Aged 83y |
Tipton, Leah Jane |
12 Apr |
1842 |
15 Dec |
1862 |
Wife of N. F. Tipton |
Tipton, Martha |
21 Dec |
1863 |
Daughter of John & Tabitha Tipton, aged 5y 6m |
Tipton, Sarah |
20 Dec |
1863 |
Daughter of John & Tabitha Tipton, aged 7y 2m |
Tipton, Thomas |
13 Sep |
1864 |
(Father) aged 77y |
Vieman, Lora C. |
19 Jul |
1861 |
Daughter of C.? & C.? Vieman, aged 1y 7m 6d. [Information is from the 1945 gravestone reading, no stone was found at the 1988 Ohio Genealogical Society reading] |
W____, C.W. (Footstone: W.C.W.) |
Footstone was found piled in a corner of cemetery at the 1988 Ohio Genealogical Society reading, not readily identified with an existing headstone |
We_____, Wm. C. |
21 Oct |
1870 |
Aged 19y 10m 5d |
West, Charles W. |
31 Oct |
1864 |
Son of C. & R. West, aged 22y 4m 23d. Civil War veteran, CO I 19TH REG OVI, enlisted 27 Apr 1861, discharged 30 Aug 1861 |
West, Joseph C. |
09 Sep |
1859 |
Aged 21y 6m 29d |
West, Mary E. |
19 May |
1864 |
Daughter of C. & R. West, aged 14y 10m 11d |
Whitlaw, Albert J. |
29 Aug |
1870 |
Son of N. & I. Whitlaw, aged 1y 7m 23d |
Whitlaw, Caroline J. |
29 Sep |
1871 |
Daughter of N. & I. Whitlaw, aged 14y 5m 14d |
Whitlaw, James A. |
09 Jun |
1870 |
Son of N. & I. Whitlaw, aged 14y 7m 11d |
Wilson, Newton G. |
25 Oct |
1854 |
Son of J. H. & R. Wilson, aged 16y 2m 16d |
Wilson, Rebecca |
10 May |
1847 |
Wife of J. H. Wilson, aged 45y 27d |
Wilson, Son |
"In memory of son of John and Rebecca" (no name or date) |
Franklin County Chapter of The Ohio Genealogical Society (comp.), Franklin County, Ohio Cemeteries, Volume 10, Jackson & Pleasant Townships, Columbus, 1988, pages 112-115 (gravestone reading by The Ohio Genealogical Society, no date listed). This source also cites a reading by Scott, but no reading of Chenoweth Cemetery was found in Ivan Scott's book, Some Franklin County Cemeteries. A 1945 reading is also cited but no information about the 1945 reading is provided. This source is cited as Ohio Genealogical Society.
Franklin County Recorder Veteran Grave database
Gustafson, David K. and Leona L., Franklin County, Ohio Gravestone Photos &c. website, Chenoweth Cemetery, accessed 22 August 2014, This source is cited as Gustafson.
Please send corrections to Lauren Clark